*****This is a labour of love but takes a great deal of time - any donations would be greatly appreciated*****

Read all of the Dick posts here

As I have discovered through this research, Richard Grant (Dick) was a friend of my great-grandparents.  He and my great-grandfather, Jack, had lived just a few blocks from each other in Nairn, Scotland, when they were in their most formative years.  Dick came to Canada and with family ventured to Atlin, BC to goldmine.  When WWI came about, Dick signed up with the 47th battalion and went overseas first to England and then to France.  Sadly, he died at Vimy Ridge (one of Canada's most important battles in WWI) and is buried in a cemetery in France near that site.  The most interesting thing to me, though, with this research, is that all I knew about him when I started was that he had written a couple of postcards to my ggparents, and that his name was Dick.   The rest has come from detective work and meeting his family members.

#32 - Gold!!  - The River Nairn, Atlin, and Discovery, B.C. - it may not seem like it yet, but he's related to this one.

#34 - Discovery, BC Part 2

#40 - 47th Battalion C.E.F., the Vernon Army Camp, and Dick

#42 - White's Creek Bridge and Fraser Canyon - a postcard that made the geography of Dick's journey across Canada more clear.

#43 - Dick!  Found Him, Then Lost Him - the one where I discover who he is and how he died.

#44 - The Rest From the Gold Mines:  More on Atlin and gold mining.

#47 - Dick's Journey Across Canada:  Following Dick across Canada through the postcards.

Here is his story in full (almost):  Postcards from an Unknown Soldier

#50 - More on Dick Grant - a surprise gift from my mother's cousin arrived in the mail and added so much more to what I know about Dick's military service.

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